Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Celebrate Good Times, Come On!

I had a dream last night.  I was in the local supermarket here (kind of a small Meijer type of store) and I saw three older African Americans.  I think one woman asked me where I was staying and I told her I was  from Detroit.  Then she said, "Americans complain the most."

So, I don't want to be one of those!   I have been writing a bit about my struggles and challenges, but there has been lots of beauty and sweetness also, I guess you just don't need to process that as much!

The title of this post comes from the Imperial Gas Company.  Their jingle that lets you know they are coming down the street with propane gas for your stove in case you need some.  it is very similar to Kool and the Gang's "Celebrate" song.  So it makes me happy.

I have been welcomed graciously by family, friends and community, and have great neighbors.  There have been many sweet moments with Giovanni.  He is an awesome cook, we have eaten well.  I feel like cooking again.   I have done some great healing with him.  We have had beach time, traveling, bike rides and ice cream.  We are setting up a home together.  We have shared wonderful massages.  I have had sweet times with his sons.

I am an aunt here.  I held a brand new baby (less than 24 hours old), and she will be a part of my life.  I went to a birthday party for 2 sweet souls, 3 and 6 years old.  I swam with the 1 year old son of Giovanni's niece.  I know I will find more ways to spend time with young ones.

I have swum in the ocean with fish and turtles, run along the shore with a full moon, watched a couple of baby turtles swim out to sea to start their new lives, seen and heard many beautiful birds, seen gorgeous blooming flowers and butterflies, eaten delicious tropical fruits, and eaten yummy cheesecake with a friend from home. 

I have practiced yoga surrounded by tropical plants and next to the ocean.  I have had thoughts like, "i am not on vacation, this is my life!"  I have eaten traditional Mayan food and seen traditional dances and walked in the jungle among the Mayan ruins.

I have walked and biked in the rain, I have allowed myself to rest, really rest.  I have listened to great music.  I laugh a lot, and joke with Giovanni, and I still cry.  Sometimes I do both at the same time! I ride my bike around town, buy groceries in the local fruit and vegetable store.   I have met artists and seen good art and have my own projects going.  I have spent time writing and meditating.  I am relaxing and letting go... and discovering.....


  1. Hey Jen! Yay! I'm now getting your blogs somehow! Yay! I will read them all in reverse order. So I'm starting with the most recent one, which is you listing all the awesome positive things you've experienced. Love to you, Dear.

  2. Jen, I love this post. It really made me feel better, was having a stressful day, so glad to hear about all the beautiful moments you've experiencing!
